Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - 1404 Words

According to the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the people have to cut about 90% of the use of fossil fuels worldwide to have a slim chance of stopping Global Warming. If the people have anything less than the percentage given, Global Warming will not stop. As of now Global Warming is a big issue throughout the world. Some say Global Warming is just a myth to scare people and it’s just a natural cause, but there is proof that Global Warming is a fact and that the main cause of Global Warming is anthropogenic causes or man-made. Man has overused the burning of fossil fuels throughout generations and the numbers of burning fossil fuels keeps getting higher every year. The increase of temperatures, sea levels, and carbon dioxide in the last century shows evidence that Global Warming is occurring and man is the main problem. First of all, what is global warming? Global warming is the increase of Earth’s temperature due to carbon dioxide emis sions from burning fossil fuels also known as greenhouse gases (Global Warming). The carbon dioxide traps heat which would make the temperature to rise, this is known as the greenhouse effect. The main causes of global warming would have to be carbon dioxide and air pollution that is going around the atmosphere, trapping the sun’s heat which causes the earth to warm up. Human activity has been a key factor to that. The burning of fossil fuels causes a lot more greenhouse gases to be trapped in theShow MoreRelatedQualifications of Experts on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change829 Words   |  3 Pagesof climate change has been a critical issue of concern to development, scientific and environmental researchers in the world. All over the world, there have been a lot of issues surrounding the causes and impacts of the phenomenon which led to the establishment of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to help assess and provide information about climate change to society (Agrawala, 1998). This essay presents arguments on who is qualified to be an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeRead MoreIntergovernmental Panel On Climate Change2626 Words   |  11 PagesIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlighted in its 5th Assessment Report both the unequivocal warming and apparent human influence on the climate system. Anthropogenic (human-induced) climate change was proven by the increasing atmospheric concentration of the greenhouse gases, radiative forcing, and observation over warming and the climate system. 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In fact, in May 2014, AntarcticRead MoreHuman Systems And Climate Change Essay785 Words   |  4 Pages IPCC Human Systems and Climate Change Overview Kristen Morgan California State University, Bakersfield Human Systems and Climate Change For the last decade, climate change has been a controversial topic amongst governing nations. Determining and agreeing upon appropriate courses of action, as well as the decided effects on populations and ecosystems have also long been debated. With little knowledge on the effects climate change might have on the human population, as well asRead MoreThe Environmental Impacts of Eco-friendly Construction Essay1172 Words   |  5 PagesThe Environmental Impacts of Eco-friendly Construction A considerable change which has occurred in the late 1990s is an increased number of precautions to minimize environmental damage. 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